
Member Since
1996 - Basically since the beginning. Missi and Chrissy revamped the club in ‘96 and hit the road, heading to all the rallies in our matching Ford Rangers!
Princess 1959 Lambretta LI 150 Series I
Leo 1964 Lambretta LI150 Silver Special
Kali 1962 Lambretta LI 125 Series III
Paris Hilton 1979 Vespa 50 Special
Holly Golightly Vespa 90
Favorite Scooter Rallies
SF Classic, Eurolambretta, Lammy Jammy, Mile High Mayhem,
Chris, Squirrels, gardening, googly eyes, traveling, Taylor Swift, shoes, shiny objects, crafty-time, nature and stuff
People who are cruel to animals, the “M” word, tests, stir-up pants, bad turtlenecks, lazy people, snakes
Funny Moment (Chronicled by Chrissy)
Flashback to 1997, at our very first scooter rally. Now, it wasn’t one of those big weekend-long blowouts—just a day and night packed with shenanigans—but man, we squeezed in a ton of fun! The grand plan was to roll up to the Coors Brewery, and get this—the local paper even wrote about our club (of course they did). Everyone had their scooters tuned up and ready to go… except mine, of course. Classic Chrissy moment—my scooter decided to throw a hissy fit and refused to start. Priorities, though! At least we had our ball gowns for the night all set.
We all met up at the house, spent the day zipping around, and then hit 1330 for a good ol' dose of Model’s Inc to glam up for our big night out at The Blue Room. But let’s be real, the pre-party had already kicked off before we even got out the door. There's literally a photo of Missi with a bottle of Jägermeister in one hand and a pint of Guinness in the other. She was going full-on two-fisted drinking mode.
Fast forward to the end of the night, and maybe, just maybe, a few of us had a few too many drinks. As we were about to leave, I pulled Missi aside and told her I was going to ride her scooter home, and she could just hop on the back. Her face! You’d think I’d just asked her to hand over her crown. She’s all, “Do you even know who I am? I’m riding!” I wasn’t backing down, though, and that’s when the full-on meltdown happened. She started losing it—big dramatic scene. She might have even declared that we were no longer friends and—wait for it—threw her shoes into the street. Probably expensive shoes, too, because let’s be real, she’s got great taste.
Everyone was trying to convince her to just ride with someone else, but nooo, she wasn’t having it. Eventually, she gave in, but she made sure everyone knew how unhappy she was about it. The next day, I casually dropped the bombshell that a cop had been hanging outside the club, just waiting for us to do something stupid like ride home tipsy. So yeah, I might’ve saved her butt that night… but shh, don’t let her know I said that!